Bae Lemke 
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Berlin based artist duo Su Jin Bae and Jonathan Lemke.

Six New Prayers of Penitence


Six chapters with six stories of grim death.

Song for the Majestic Death

Performance/Video installation Amsterdam 2019

Death answers with a chorus of voices this time: No! Everything remains as it is, for this is your last moment on earth. In your eyes, that deserved fear that cannot be swallowed.
When, in another place, death threatens a young criminal with her fate, she calls:
Oh, if I could live longer and could return whatever I robbed from people since I now still live to see this hour.

The Maternal Voice

Performance Rijksakademie Amsterdam 2018

Two old people give testimony in this performance, about the night side of their parenthood, the consequences of their companionship. Monologues about immortality fantasies, renunciation of the family and love.


Performance / Installation Gwangju, South Korea 2023

Performance and installation about desire/pleasure/fear in the visionary.

The Detamed

Video installation 2023

A story about passions, commitments and secrets in the milieu of hunters.

Vision of Ruined Life and Ecstasy

Video Video Berlin 2024

Visual Poem in Ten Chapters