During the time of the exhibition in Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, each day a new criminal charge in form of two documents were presented in a display cabinet. They are charges of diverse delicts, all details regarding offenders and victims are blackened.
Song for the Majestic Death
Performance/Video installationAmsterdam2019
"When, in another place, death threatens a young criminal with her fate, she calls: Oh, if I could live longer and could return whatever I robbed from people since I now still live to see this hour."
The Maternal Voice
PerformanceRijksakademie Amsterdam2018
Two old people give testimony in this performance, about the night side of their parenthood, the consequences of their companionship. Monologues about immortality fantasies, renunciation of the family and love.
Performance / InstallationGwangju, South Korea2023
Performance and installation about desire/pleasure/fear in the visionary.
The Detamed
Video installation2023
A story about passions, commitments and secrets in the milieu of hunters.